We use technology in the workplace to accurately record and reflect changes in therapy and treatment. It can be useful for independent gathering of data with higher inter – reliability of outcome scores and thus accurate reporting of changes over time.
We enjoy being part of the worldwide communities and gather data to feedback into global research and development of treatments and treatment protocols. We enjoy being able to keep up to date with the latest developments and research so that we can be as up to date without treatment approaches.
Some of the technology we use can also result in a sometimes cheaper, but more valued and effective product production such as orthotics for much less out of pocket and greater accuracy in correction than with any other local provider.
Our Technology
Postural and movement analysis
Can accurately measure posture and postural changes.
Assist in the development of the person-focused programming and support diagnosis.
Nord Board
Strength testing of hamstrings and strength training
Can accurately measure all data regarding strength of the hamstring muscle group to provide personal exercise prescription of programs and to accurately assess injury and rehabilitation.
Force Plates
Measures power of the lower limbs
Accurately measures the ability to combine strength and speed in the lower legs, and to safely clear return to sports following injury.
Gait Scan
Gait analysis, Postural analysis and orthotic recommendation
Assess and prescription of Orthotics, measure balance and postural changes/asymmetry.
Real-Time Ultrasound
Injury diagnosis and tracking of changes
Able to undertake a thorough examination of injuries and to reduce lag time between requesting imagery through treating doctor.
Strength Assessment
Assessment of strength in individual muscles
Accurate assessment of strength in muscle groups, accurate exercise prescription and measurement of changes.
Blaze Pods
Reaction time testing and training
Assessment included for high performance and tracking of improvements. Useful tool for Concussion assessment and management planning
Concussion Management

BASELINE testing to determine accurate results post-concussion and accurate return to play advice.

POST CONCUSSION attendance for assessment and recording of an incident – this will allow us to make a determination regarding return to play/sport/work and manage post-concussion symptoms better.

REHABILITATION – this can be exercise-based or can be hands-on. Sometimes we are giving you our best advice and knowledge regarding returning to training and work/school, and sometimes we will need to help the body with hands-on treatment – it is different for every person.

Once your therapy is complete, you feel confident and ready to return to work and your daily practices!
Human Movement Power and Strength Testing

Postural and Movement Assessment

Hamstring Specific Assessment

Force Plates – detects imbalances and deficits in power movements

FootMaxx – Gait scan for Orthotics and gait assessment

Book your Gait scan and Assessment with our Physiotherapist

Complete Gait scan and assessment – Diagnosis

Recommendations made

Choose your preferences in orthotic compilation

Enjoy comfortable, affordable and effective Orthotics as you need